Feedback “The Dove and the Fish”

Hello Chiara, I tried to contact you by phone but couldn’t reach you, so here I am ready to praise you for the beautiful work and the delightful gift. The painting is beautiful, vibrant, rich in details, and meaningful if important values are attributed to the two subjects. I am sure that Simona will like it a lot, but she will only be able to see it at the end of April when we deliver it to her. I will let you know later. Thanks for the very pretty box decorated with the technique you described to me. A curiosity: can that type of mosaic be used to make small parts of paintings? I greet you with affection, and I will definitely contact you for some other requests. See you soon! Nadia

Now Simona’s chat to whom I gave the painting:

…and the painting overwhelmed me. It evokes so many positive, deep emotions, represents life. The sea, which I adore, and where everything started, the plants, the animals, life itself started from there. The depth that can be intimidating, but at the same time gives so much serenity; everything is muffled there, and even when there are storms, in the abyss everything is calm. The little fish express vitality, vivacity, a desire to live, even that healthy unconsciousness of youth and carefreeness that seems to contrast with the apparent “gravity” of the adult fish (which actually expresses wisdom, the security of adulthood, and positivity since the caudal fin rejoins the flower from which joyful yellow bunches branch off). The symbolism that the fish represents seems fitting for us. In fact, being one of the oldest Christian symbols, it was used as a recognition symbol. When a Christian met a stranger, whom he needed to know the loyalty of, he drew one of the arches that make up the stylized fish; if the other completed the sign, the two individuals recognized each other and could trust each other. I would say that’s exactly what happened to us since we met. The coral is alive, just like the plants that really seem to float in the water. The dove then expresses serenity, kindness, tenderness, love—all your qualities. And what about the color of the deep sea, I adore it, not only because it represents the sea but because it drives me crazy, it gives me tranquility, serenity, etc. And the silver gives the whole a noble aura; it reminds me of when the moon reflects in the sea. Guys, I really have no words to thank you, you do so much for me, even commissioning such an extraordinary artist to create a work exclusively designed for me, so precious…