Feedback “Dream tree”

Fantastic news! The painting has arrived safe and sound! It took me half an hour to unwrap it because it was meticulously packed. It’s beautiful, just as I imagined! I unwrapped the package with the same excitement children have when opening their Christmas gifts. It was truly a wonderful emotion. I really like the inclusion of the three-dimensional “objects”; it adds a tactile quality. Well done and congratulations! Another thing that touched me immensely was finding the delightful Christmas box with the image of Mary and Jesus on stone. I was left speechless. It’s beautiful, original, and so sweet.

After a long time since your work entered our home, the whole family and even friends can’t stop drawing ever-new interpretations. It truly is a magical tree like life and partly dark like life. I am still overjoyed to be able to see it in different lights throughout the day. Thanks again! If you want, you can include this sincere thought of mine.

Thank you very much. It’s a great satisfaction for me to hear these considerations from you.